Please fill in the form

New registration
I am interested in: *
Are you interested in stretching & strength sessions? *
Have you had an injuries recently? *
Do you do any other sports? *
Declaration Check *
Indicate when you want to come train for the first time. As a member you can participate in all trainings.
I hereby authorise Clingendael Run&Walk, the Hague, bank account at ING IBAN NL93INGB0000928382 to collect the registration fee of EUR15 from my account one time; and, to collect the annual contribution for the AtletiekUnie (EUR17.45 in 2020, to be indexed yearly) in January of each year from my account or at the start of my membership and then until cancellation; and to collect from my account my membership fee of EUR10 on a monthly basis until cancellation of my membership. The reason for payments is: Contribution Clingendael Run&Walk. The first collection will take place one month after having participated in the first training. Subsequent collections will take place at the start of each month.